
List of Server CommandsServer Diagnostics and Control Commands
Issue 1, December 2008
Command Format: file rename <oldFileName> <newFileName>
file view
Description: Views the contents of a file.
Command Format: file view <fileName>
The Help command lists and describes all the commands that can be used with SMT
(Server Management Tool). These commands are listed in this chapter.
Command Format: help [CMD]
The following section lists the ipam commands and their arguments:
ipam lease
Description: Displays ipam leases matching the given IP address
Command Format: ipam lease [selector] <address>
ipam pool
Description: Dumps ipam pool prefixes
Command Format:
ipam pool <pool name> <all|used|free> [filename]
This command inquires into the status of the java virtual machine.
Command Format: java gc|memory|properties|threads|version
The following section lists the java commands and their arguments:
<oldFileName> The current name of the file to be renamed.
The new name of the file to be renamed.
The name of the file to be viewed.
[CMD] Replace this argument with a command name to
display the command usage.
address Leased IP address
poolname Name of the pool.
all|used|free Mention all, used, or free pools.