SMT menus and their commandsServer Management Tool Command Set
365-360-001 R6.0
Issue 1, December 2008
Paths to File Viewers Sets directory paths to Web browser, PDF viewer, and
text file viewer.
Web Browser Path: Indicates the location of the
PDF Viewer Path: Indicates the location of the
application to view PDFs.
Text File Viewer Path: Indicates the location of the
application to view text files.
SSL Configuration The SMT connects to the Configuration Server via
RMI. Use the following to control whether the
connections are secure (SSL). If you change this option,
you must restart the SMT in order for it to take effect.
Use secure remote connections when SMT in Local
Mode: Choose Yes to use the secure remote
connections when the SMT is in Local Mode. Choose
No to not use the secure remote connections when SMT
is in Local Mode.
File for Trusted Certificates: Enter the filename that
needs to be used for this.
Server Control Sets how often the SMT checks the status of the
and configuration servers.
On Windows platforms, controls 8950 AAA operation
as a Windows service.
Database Enables display of database panels and sets database
connection options.
Java JDBC Class: Specifies the Java JDBC Class file to
use when connecting and for managing user records in
your database. A database and a JDBC driver are
included with your 8950 AAA server.
JDBC Connection URL: Specifies JDBC connection
URL. If you are connected to a database that is remote,
replace localhost with the host name or IP address of
the remote server.
Table 3-1 SMT Preferences Panel–Properties
Configured Items Description