
Policy Server tabManaging 8950 AAA Servers
Issue 1, December 2008
Figure 4-8 Policy Server–Database Configuration Panel
The Database Configuration panel specifies the configuration values for the built-in Derby
database. If the port is a non-zero, the database is automatically started when you run the
policy server.
Important! When assigning ports to the database, make sure you do not have any
conflicting services using this port.
This panel also specifies the configuration values for the built-in Hypersonic database.
The Hypersonic database is no longer enabled by default. It is only available for backward
compatibility. If the port is a non-zero value, the database is automatically started when
you run the policy server.
Important! When assigning ports to the database, make sure you do not have any
conflicting services using the port.
Table 4-8 lists the configurable entities of this panel.
Table 4-8 Database Configuration Panel–Properties
Configurable Properties Description
Derby Address Sets the listen addresses for Apache Derby database server.