
Diameter Applications Tab8950 AAA Dictionary Editor
Issue 1, December 2008
7. The Move selected record down action button allows you to move the selected record
Diameter Applications Tab
About the Diameter Applications tab
The Diameter Applications tab allows you to configure and manage the diameter
application details related to a vendor in 8950 AAA.
To go to the Diameter Applications tab, click on the Diameter Applications tab in the
Dictionary Editor panel. The details about the Diameter Applications dialog or panel is
displayed, as shown in Figure 20-8.
Figure 20-8 Dictionary Editor Panel–Diameter Applications properties
Table 20-4 explains the properties in the Diameter Applications tab.
Table 20-4 Dictionary Editor–Diameter Applications tab properties
Properties Description
Application Name The name of the application.
Description The description about the diameter application.
Type The type of the application.
Vendor Name The name of the Vendor.