
The Server Management Tool User Interface8950 AAA Server Management Tool Overview
365-360-001 R6.0
Issue 1, December 2008
Figure 2-5 SMT–Data Pane with example
A pane is a portion of a Window that behaves as a container. It can hold
objects. A panel is a Window that can have GUI components such as tabs, text fields,
buttons, and panes. Panels can be resized, minimized, and maximized within the SMT.
On the left side of the SMT window, beneath the toolbar, the Navigation pane lists 5
groups of configuration and management panels. If the user selects an item from the
Navigation pane, a panel is displayed in the Data pane. The Data pane can display multiple
panels simultaneously.
SMT Menu Bar
The 8950 AAA SMT menu bar appears at the top of the SMT interface as a list of menus
as shown in Figure 2-6.
Data pane