Configuration Server tabManaging 8950 AAA Servers
Issue 1, December 2008
Table 4-23 lists the configurable entities of this panel.
Table 4-23 Configuration Server Panel properties
Configurable Properties Description
Administration Address Specifies the TCP/IP address on which the Admin interface
listens for connections. The address is in the form of a
hostname (or “*”) followed by a colon, followed by the port
number. The hostname must be a name that corresponds to a
local interface on the machine, or the value “*”, which
represents all local interfaces. The default value for this
property is “*.9020”.
SSH Address Specifies the address and port the server listens to, default is
“*:9021” and a port number of 0 means do not start SSH at all.
Registry Port Defines the port to be used when creating an RMI registry.
Normally, an RMI registry is already running at the address
specified. However, if there is no registry, the configuration
server will try to create one on the local host. By default, it
uses the RMI port 9097 to do this, but this property enables
another port to be used if necessary.
Secure Registry Port Secure registry port.
Log File Name Specifies the name of the file in which configuration server
writes messages and errors. The file ‘config.log’ is the default
log file name.
Level of Messages to Log Specifies the level (or debug level). The level determines what
type of messages the configuration server to the log file. By
default, the configuration server logs at ‘info’ level.