Policy Server tabManaging 8950 AAA Servers
Issue 1, December 2008
Device Watchdog Rate The AAA Transport Profile document defines a
heartbeat mechanism for maintaining connection state
through the periodic exchange of ‘Device-Watchdog’
messages between two peers in their connected state.
This parameter defines the average time (in
milliseconds) between transmissions of consecutive
‘Device-Watchdog-Request’ message. Note that the
time is an average for the local server as a random skew
is applied to the value for each emitted watchdog
request. The timer is also reset by other inter-peer
Outstanding Diameter Request
Specifies how many milliseconds to keep an outbound
request pending without an answer before it is discarded
and a time-out event is sent back to the policy engine.
Minimum Accepted Redirect Cache
Specifies the minimum value accepted as a real value in
a ‘Redirect-Max-Cache-Time’ AVP in a Diameter
answer where result-code is set to DIAMETER-
REDIRECT-INDICATION. If ‘Redirect-Max-Cache-
Time’ is less than this value, the redirect indication is
treated the same as a DONT-CACHE Redirect-Host-
Usage indication.
Default Advertised Redirect Cache
Specifies the default value in seconds inserted into a
locally generated redirect answer’s ‘Redirect-Max-
Cache-Time’ AVP if an explicit value is not defined by
the policy flow.
Maximum Redirect Traversal Depth The diameter server builds up a graph that models the
received redirect indications as they are received
(example, if the host alpha indicated redirection to beta
and beta indicated redirection to gamma, the graph
would be alpha -> beta -> gamma.) This parameter
defines the maximum allowed depth of the redirection
graph before a message is considered undeliverable.
Maximum Route Attempts Specifies the maximum number of unique peers that are
tried for routing of a request before returning an answer
Less Specific Route Fallback Setting to true enables fall-back to less specific route
matching in the route table should all destinations in the
current entry fail to accept the request.
Table 4-11 Diameter Properties panel–Properties
Configurable Properties Description