Starting the Server Management Tool8950 AAA Server Management Tool Overview
365-360-001 R6.0
Issue 1, December 2008
1. On a Windows platform:
From the Windows desktop, double-click the Server Management Tool icon/click the
Start button to display the Start Menu. Select Programs to display the Programs
Menu. Select 8950 AAA 6.0. Click Server Management Tool.
On a UNIX/Linux platform:
Run the following command in the bin directory.
aaa-smt -u <user_name> -p <password>
For example, enter the following command line at the command prompt:
The 8950 AAA SMT Window opens and the login panel appears as shown in
Figure 2-2.
Figure 2-2 SMT Login Panel
2. Enter the appropriate 8950 AAA User Name and Password.
Important! This can be an administrator name or a user configured for operator
3. Select the appropriate Connect option for your 8950 AAA server.
You can open and edit files locally or connect to a remote 8950 AAA Server with the
Result: When the SMT is not running on the same platform as the 8950 AAA server,
the Configuration Server is used to execute commands issued by the SMT. In this case,
the Configuration Server must be running on the 8950 AAA server. Enter the Host
name or IP address to connect to a remote 8950 AAA server as shown in Figure 2-3.