Policy Server tabManaging 8950 AAA Servers
Issue 1, December 2008
Dynamic Authentication
Sets the listening address for dynamic authentication requests.
This value is a comma separated list of address:port values. If
address is omitted, it is assumed to be *. If the port is omitted, it
defaults to 3799.
Truncate Attributes at First
If enabled, attributes are truncated at the first NUL found in the
value. If disabled, the attribute values are not truncated. This
enables support for NAS devices that send NUL characters in
their attributes.
Add NUL to string attributes If enabled, a NUL is appended to the end of plain string
attributes in response requests to the NAS. This enables support
for NAS devices that send NUL characters in their attributes.
Check Duplicates If enabled, the server checks to see if the request received is a
duplicate of a previously received request. Duplicates are
detected by a combination of the Source IP, Source Port, and
Packet Authenticator. The default setting is true. This property
can be set on a per-client basis in the Client properties.
Check Authenticators If enabled, the policy server checks the request authenticator
and if not verified, the request is dropped.
Discard request when error If enabled, the policy server discards packets when a method
returns an error. If not enabled, the policy server rejects the
Max RADIUS packet size Specifies the maximum RADIUS packet size that is allowed.
The default is 4096 bytes.
Receive buffer size for
Specifies the size of the system UDP receive buffer assigned to
the local socket.
Send buffer size for
Specifies the size of the system UDP send buffer assigned to the
local socket.
Type of Service (Traffic
Specifies the traffic class or type-of-service octet in the
RADIUS IP header.
Response Cache Timeout
If enabled, the policy server caches responses for the time
specified in the corresponding timeout property. If not enabled,
responses are not cached.
Table 4-10 Radius Properties panel–Properties
Configurable Properties Description