8950 AAA Operators PanelConfiguring 8950 AAA Operators
Issue 1, December 2008
Figure 11-6 Operators Properties–SNMP V3 User Properties panel
3. The SNMP V3 User Properties panel has two tabs, the User Properties tab and the
Comment tab.
4. Enter the SNMP User properties in the User Properties tab. Table 11-4 describes the
fields/attributes and descriptions in the User Properties tab. Enter any comments in the
Comment tab dialog.
Table 11-4 SNMP V3 User Properties–User Properties Tab
Field Description
User Name The name of the user whose secret keys were used to
possibly authenticate and encrypt the packet.
Security Transforms This indicates whether or not messages sent or received
on behalf of this user can be authenticated and if so,
which authentication method to use.
Also, an indication of whether or not messages sent or
received on behalf of this user can be encrypted and if
so, which privacy protocol to use.
Authentication Secret The localized secret key used by the authentication
protocol for authenticating messages.
Privacy Secret The localized secret key used by the privacy protocol for
encrypting and decrypting messages.
Minimum Security for Local Assigning the authentication or security level.