Creating an Attribute Set FileCreating and Managing User Profiles with Files
Issue 1, December 2008
Creating an Attribute Set File
Attribute Sets
Attribute Sets are stored in RADIUS user files called users.templates. Attribute sets are
also frequently called templates. The following procedure shows how to create a user file
and add an attribute set to it. An attribute set is virtually the same as a user profile. The
only difference is that the index key for an attribute set is normally a real name of other
functional descriptor rather than being a User-Name.
1. Select User Files from the File Tools folder on the Navigation pane. The User Files
panel appears as depicted in Figure 19-18.
Figure 19-18 SMT Navigation Pane and an empty User Files panel
Note that the panel title is simply User Files and no file name is listed; when the User
Files panel is first opened, no user file is loaded.
1. Click New to create a new file and enter a name for your attribute set file. The New
File Dialog, as shown in Figure 19-6 is displayed.
2. Enter a name for the new user file in the New File dialog.
3. Click OK to return to the User Files panel and load the selected file.
4. Click Close to close the User Files panel. Use the Policy Wizard under the
PolicyAssistant panel to add attribute sets to your new template file.
5. Click the Insert a record button to open the User Profiles panel. Click the Insert
a record button to open Attribute Properties dialogue. Enter the attributes and
click Insert.