Universal State Server tabManaging 8950 AAA Servers
Issue 1, December 2008
Figure 4-20 Universal State Server Replication Panel with
Advanced tab
The Advanced tab in the Universal State Server Replication panel specifies the advanced
properties of the HA-USS. In most circumstances these properties will not need to be
Table 4-20 lists the configurable entities of this panel.
Table 4-20 Universal State Server Replication panel–Advanced tab properties
Configurable Properties Description
Minimum Update Threads Specifies the minimum number of worker
threads per replication update queue.
Maximum Update Threads Specifies the maximum number of worker
threads per replication update queue.
Maximum Update Push Specifies the maximum number of USS
entries to push to a secondary in a single
RMI call.
Maximum Secondary Fetch Specifies the maximum number of USS
entries for the primary to fetch from the
secondary in a single RMI call during