Universal State Server tabManaging 8950 AAA Servers
Issue 1, December 2008
Figure 4-23 State Server version 2 Panel
The State Server version 2 panel specifies the values for configuring the version 2 of the
universal state server.
Table 4-22 lists the configurable entities of this panel.
Table 4-22 State Server version 2 panel properties
Configurable Properties Description
Replicated Server Timeout Specifies the amount of time the replication
queue is kept active after a replicated server has
gone down.
Heartbeat Time Specifies the amount of time between heartbeat
Heartbeat Skip Specifies the number of missing heartbeats
before a connection to a replicated server is
considered down.
Bucket Load Factor Specifies the maximum number of heartbeat
intervals of outstanding buckets before
replication is halted and a reconciliation is