Chapter 6 Broadband
VSG1435-B101 Series User’s Guide
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 7 Broadband: Add/Edit: Routing Mode
Active Select this to activate the WAN configuration settings.
Name Specify a descriptive name of up to 15 alphanumeric characters for this
Type Select whether it is a VDSL, ADSL, or Ethernet connection.
Mode Select Routing (default) from the drop-down list box if your ISP give
you one IP address only and you want multiple computers to share an
Internet account.
Select Bridge when your ISP provides you more than one IP address
and you want the connected computers to get individual IP address
from ISP’s DHCP server directly. If you select Bridge, you cannot use
routing functions, such as Firewall, DHCP server and NAT on traffic
from the selected LAN port(s).
Encapsulation Select the method of encapsulation used by your ISP from the drop-
down list box. This option is available only when you select Routing in
the Mode field.
The choices are PPPoE, PPPoA, IPoE and IPoA.
ATM PVC Configuration (These fields appear when the Type is set to ADSL.)
VPI The valid range for the VPI is 0 to 255. Enter the VPI assigned to you.
VCI The valid range for the VCI is 32 to 65535 (0 to 31 is reserved for local
management of ATM traffic). Enter the VCI assigned to you.
DSL Link Type This field is not editable. The selection depends on the setting in the
Encapsulation field.
EoA (Ethernet over ATM) uses an Ethernet header in the packet, so
that you can have multiple services/connections over one PVC. You can
set each connection to have its own MAC address or all connections
share one MAC address but use different VLAN IDs for different
services. EoA supports ENET ENCAP (IPoE), PPPoE and RFC1483/2684
bridging encapsulation methods.
PPPoA (PPP over ATM) allows just one PPPoA connection over a PVC.
IPoA (IP over ATM) allows just one RFC 1483 routing connection over a