A – Log Messages
Error Log Messages
SN0054659-00 A A-17
2311 FCIP incoming frame: Got Status aborted pTrb->pBufDescList[0]:%p Trb
2312 FCIP system error.
2313 FCIP system error: QLOP_IssuePortEnable failed.
2320 FCIP handle Teb: Driver Fatal error.
2321 FCIP configure portal: Find portal object failed for QLUT_TYPE_FC, PortId
2322 FCIP configure portal: QLFCIP_ConfigPortal: Invalid PortId for FCIP link
2323 FCIP allocate TRB pool: Allocation failed (size 0x%x).
2324 FCIP Trb: Null portal object in map table.
2325 FCIP get TRB: Null portal object in map table.
2326 FCIP get TRB: Duplicate allocation of FcipTrb (0x%p).
2327 FCIP free TRB: Null portal object in map table.
2328 FCIP free TRB: Duplicate Free of FcipTrb (0x%p).
2329 FCIP initialize buffer descriptor pool: memory allocation for
FCIP_BUF_EXT_DESC failed (size 0x%x).
2336 FCIP free data buffers: Duplicate Freeing of DataBuf (0x%p).
2337 FCIP allocate data buffers: Duplicate allocation of DataBuffer (0x%p).
2338 FCIP allocate data buffer: Got NULL PORTAL Object in map table MEM LEAK.
2339 FCIP de-allocate data buffer: Null portal object in map table.
2340 FCIP create data buffer pool: Allocation of 32K buffers from LargeBufferPool
2561 Break up I/O: TPB allocation failed.
2562 Break up I/O: Data buffer and TPB allocation failed.