
A – Log Messages
Error Log Messages
SN0054659-00 A A-21
107254 #%d: QLUpdateSinglePortCont 0x%x: out of slots in host
107267 #%d: QLFcipIsrEventHandler: System error event (%x),
MB1=%x, MB2=%x, MB3=%x, MB4=%x, MB5=%x, MB6=%x,
87 The FC processor received a SCSI command for an unknown target path or
has run out of resources to execute additional commands.
93 The FC processor was disabled by an IOCTL request to the driver.
94 The FC processor firmware failed initialization. The request to initialize was
received by the driver in an IOCTL request.
96 The FC processor failed the external loopback test.
97 The FC processor failed to re-initialize in response to an IOCTL disable
99 Invalid Virtual Port loop ID.
307 The FC processor reported a link down condition.
317 The FC processor reported an unexpected asynchronous event. The mailbox
registers provide status, event code, and data related to the event.
350 FCIP Response queue entry TRB pointer is NULL.
357 The driver has determined that the FC link is unreliable and unusable due to
the number of errors encountered. The link has been taken down.
416 The FC processor was unable to obtain the number of loop IDs required. This
failure occurs only when the FC processor is running multi-ID firmware.
432 The driver was unable to re-establish connection to the target within the
timeout and retry counts, and is therefore marking it offline.
452 The FC processor is unable to log into the FC fabric name server.
533 The driver’s host (initiator) database is full.
545 The driver’s target database is full.
560 The driver’s host (initiator) database is full. Maximum host database is 64.
562 FC processor "Get VP Database entry command" failed.
Table A-10. Fibre Channel Driver—Error Log Messages (Continued)
ID Log Messages No.