A – Log Messages
Error Log Messages
A-18 SN0054659-00 A
iSCSI Driver
The following error log messages are common to both iSCSI ports, 1 (GE1) and 2
(GE2). They are listed in Table A-9 and described following the table. Log
messages beginning with #0 denote iSCSI port 1 (GE1). Log messages beginning
with #1 denote iSCSI port 2 (GE2).
Table A-9. iSCSI Driver—Error Log Messages
ID Log Message No.
73990 #%d: QLUtmIoctlEnable: Initialize FW failed 262
74046 #%d: QLPortUp: MBOX_CMD_SET_PORT_CONFIG %04x
failed %04x
74056 #%d: QLRunDiag: MBOX Diag test internal loopback
failed %x %x
74057 #%d: QLRunDiag: MBOX Diag test external loopback
failed %x %x
74065 #%d: QLPortDown: MBOX_CMD_SET_PORT_CONFIG %04x
failed %04x
74241 #%d: QLiSNSEnableCallback: iSNS Server TCP Connect failed 513
74577 #%d: QLIsrDecodeMailbox: NVRAM invalid 849
74587 #%d: QLIsrDecodeMailbox: Link down 859
74656 #%d: QLReadyTimer: Adapter missed heartbeat for %d sec-
onds. Time left %d
74661 #%d: QLTimer: Abort pTpb=%p, Type %x, Timeout 0x%x Drv-
Count 0x%x, DdbIndex 0x%x
74663 #%d: QLReadyTimer: MBOX_CMD %04x %04x %04x %04x
%04x %04x %04x %04x timed out
74665 #%d: QLReadyTimer: QLiSNSReenable failed 937
74784 #%d: QLUpdateInitiatorData: No more room in Initiator Database 1056
74800 #%d: QLSetTargetData: No more room in Target Database 1072
262 The iSCSI processor failed firmware initialization.
318 The iSCSI processor command to enable a GE port failed.
328 The iSCSI processor failed the internal loopback test.