Chapter 18 Configuration: Port
GS1900 Series User’s Guide
18.4.1 The PoE Edit Screen
Use this screen to configure Switch port PoE settings. Click Configuration > Port > PoE > PoE >
Edit to open this screen.
Figure 81 Configuration > Port > PoE > PoE > Edit
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
PD Priority When the total power requested by the PDs exceeds the total PoE power budget on the
Switch, you can set the PD priority to allow the Switch to provide power to ports with higher
priority first.
• Critical has the highest priority.
• High has the Switch assign power to the port after all critical priority ports are served.
• Low has the Switch assign power to the port after all critical and high priority ports are served
Power (mW)
Displays the current amount of power consumed by the PD from the Switch on this port.
Max Power
Displays the maximum amount of power the PD could use from the Switch on this port
Max Current
Displays the maximum amount of current drawn by the PD from the Switch on this port.
Table 63 Configuration > Port > PoE > PoE (continued)
Table 64 Configuration > Port > PoE > PoE> Edit
Port List Displays the list of port index numbers that are being configured.
PD State Select Enable to provide power to a PD connected to the port or Disable so the port
cannot receive power from the Switch.