
Chapter 31 Maintenance
GS1900 Series User’s Guide
4. Click Apply to restore to the chosen file as the running configuration.
Click Cancel to discard the changes.
31.4.3 Restore the configuration from a file on your computer
Follow the steps below to restore the configuration from a file on your computer.
1. In Method, choose HTTP.
2. Click Browse to display the Choose File screen from which you can locate the configuration
file in the cfg format on your computer.
3. Click Apply to restore to the chosen file as the running configuration.
Click Cancel to discard the changes.
31.5 Manage Configuration Files
31.5.1 Overview
The Configuration Management screen provides instant access to the configuration files of your
Switch. You can overwrite the startup and backup configurations with the current running, startup,
or backup configuration file.
From the Maintenance screen, display the Management screen as shown next. Use this screen to
replace startup and backup configuration files.
Figure 196 Maintenance > Configuration > Management
Follow the steps to overwrite the startup or backup configuration file.
1. In Source File, select the file to be used as a reference.
2. In Destination File, select the file to be overwritten.
3. Click Apply to restore to overwrite the destination file with the source file.
Click Cancel to discard the changes.