Chapter 31 Maintenance
GS1900 Series User’s Guide
Follow the steps to perform a ping test.
1. In IP Address, enter the IPv4 address.
2. In Count, enter the number of ping packets.
3. In Interval, enter the time interval in seconds.
4. In Size, enter the packet size in bytes
5. Click Apply to perform the ping test.
Click Cancel to discard the changes.
The test results are displayed in Results.
31.7.3 IPv6 Ping Test
Click Maintenance > Diagnostics > PING > IPv6 in the navigation panel to open this screen.
Use this screen to ping an IPv6 server.
Figure 199 Maintenance > Diagnostics > PING > IPv6
The following table describes the labels in IPv6 Ping Test.
Follow the steps to perform a ping test.
1. In IP Address, enter the IPv6 address.
2. In Count, enter the number of ping packets.
3. In Interval, enter the time interval in seconds.
4. In Size, enter the packet size in bytes
Table 180 Maintenance > Diagnostics > PING > IPv6
IPv6 Address Enter the address of the target host server.
Count Enter the number of ping packets to send. The range is 1 to 5 packets; the default count is
Interval Enter the time in seconds between sending ping packets. The range is 1 to 5 seconds; the
default is 1 second.
Size Enter the individual packet size in bytes. The range is 8 to 5120 bytes; the default is 56