Chapter 13 System Configuration
NetAtlas Workgroup User’s Guide
Figure 90 System Configuration: SNMP Conf.
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
13.3 Remote Management
Remote management allows you to determine which services/protocols can access which
device interface (if any) from which computers. You can customize the service port and the
secured client IP address to enhance security and flexibility.
To open this screen, right-click on the switch in the Device List Panel, and click
Configuration > System Configuration > Remote Mgmt..
Table 56 System Configuration: SNMP Conf.
Read Community Enter the get community, which is the password for the incoming Get- and
GetNext- requests from the management station.
Read/Write Community Enter the set community, which is the password for incoming Set- requests
from the management station.
Trap Community Enter the trap community, which is the password sent with each trap to the
SNMP manager.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the switch.
Trap Destination Enter the IP addresses of up to four stations to send your SNMP traps to.
Apply Click Apply to save the trap destination changes back to the switch.