Chapter 16 Ethernet Port Configuration
NetAtlas Workgroup User’s Guide
Figure 124 Ethernet Port Configuration: Port Security
The following table describes the fields in this screen.
16.12 Bandwidth Control
Bandwidth control means defining a maximum allowable bandwidth for incoming and/or out-
going traffic flows on a port.
To open the configuration screen, right-click on the switch in the Device List Panel, and click
Configuration > Ethernet Port > Bandwidth Ctrl.. Then select a device and the port(s) to
which you want to apply this configuration.
Table 90 Ethernet Port Configuration: Port Security
Active Select this check box to enable the port security feature on selected ports.
Address Learning MAC address learning reduces outgoing broadcast traffic. For MAC address
learning to occur on a port, the port itself must be active with address learning
enabled. Select the Address Learning check box.
Limited Number
of Learned MAC
Use this field to limit the number of (dynamic) MAC addresses that may be learned
on a port. For example, if you set this field to "5" on port 2, then only the devices
with these five learned MAC addresses may access port 2 at any one time. A sixth
device would have to wait until one of the five learned MAC addresses aged out.
MAC-address aging out time can be set in the Switch Setup screen. The valid
range is from 0 to 16K. 0 means this feature is disabled, so the switch will learn
MAC addresses up to the global limit of 16K.
MAC Freeze Click MAC Freeze to convert all current dynamic MAC addresses to static MAC
addresses. When you click the MAC Freeze button, the MAC Address Learning
check box is cleared but port security becomes Active.
Apply Click Apply to save the changes.