Chapter 18 Configuration
NetAtlas Workgroup User’s Guide
Figure 138 RMON Configuration: History Config.
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
18.2.1 Configuring an RMON History
To configure a new RMON history, click New in the History Config. screen.
To change the settings of a selected RMON history, click Modify in the History Config.
Table 99 RMON Configuration: History Config.
Index This field displays the configuration index number.
Active This field displays Yes if the history setting is enabled. Otherwise, it displays No.
Data Source This is the port of the IP DSLAM that the EMS will poll for data.
This field displays the number of data samplings the network manager requests the
probe to store.
Bucket Granted This field displays the number of data samplings the probe allows to stores.
Interval (sec) This field displays the time between data samplings.
Owner This field displays the application that creates this entry.
New Click this to add a new history configuration.
Delete Click this to remove the selected history configuration.
Modify Click this to change the setting of the selected history configuration.