Chapter 5 View
NetAtlas Workgroup User’s Guide
Figure 28 View: Port Status
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 19 View: Port Status
Device Name This field displays the descriptive name of a device.
Device IP This field displays the IP address of a device
Port This identifies the Ethernet port.
Link Speed This field displays the speed (either 10M for 10Mbps, 100M for 100Mbps or 1000M
for 1000Mbps).
State This field displays the STP state of the port. See the Spanning Tree Protocol
chapter for details on STP port states.
LACP This field displays whether LACP is activated.
PD This field displays the power device (PD) module status on the switch. If N/A is
displayed, the switch does not include a PD module.
This field displays On if the switch has a PD and it is in use.
This field displays Off if the switch has a PD, but it is not in use.
TxPkts This field shows the number of transmitted frames on this port.
RxPkts This field shows the number of received frames on this port.
Errors This field shows the number of received errors on this port.
Polling The text box displays how often (in seconds) this screen refreshes. You may
change the refresh interval by typing a new number in the text box and then clicking
the Apply button.
Close Click Close to close the screen.