
Chapter 8 Performance
NetAtlas Workgroup User’s Guide
" You can only use the variable Set button (via the EMS) to update system
contact, system name, system location and the administrative status of each
8.4.2 Expand Dialog Box
In the Edit Table Entry screen click the Expand button to expand the view of the active
variable value edit box. First click on the edit box, then click Expand.
Variable Set
Each variable value has a small Set button to the right. Click this Set button to
perform an SNMP set on only one variable. Set buttons are grayed for variables that
are read-only.
Page Buttons
Each page shows up to ten variables. The page number and total number of pages
are displayed in the top right corner. Use the >> button to move to the next page and
click the << button to move to the previous page.
Expand Click the Expand button to expand the view of the active variable value edit box.
First click on the edit box, then select the Expand button.
First Click the First button to obtain the first entry of the table from the node. The variable
values will be updated. You do not need to enter index values - they will be ignored.
Get Click the Get button to obtain the selected table entry. Enter all of the index values
to select a table entry. If you have already displayed an entry, and perhaps modified
the value boxes, you can Click the Get button to refresh the variable values.
Next Click the Next button to obtain the next entry of the table from the node, using an
SNMP GetNext operation. The variable values are updated. If there are no more
entries in the table, a message is displayed. You can specify a starting point for the
GetNext by entering index values. You do not need to enter all index values, but if
you enter the Nth index value, you must also enter the 1st through (N-1)th index
Stop Click the Stop button to abort the current SNMP operation. This button can be used
to stop a command when a node is not responding and you don't want to wait for the
timeout period.
Set All Click the Set All button to set all writable variable values to the node. You must enter
all of the index values (those with an asterisk to the right of the variable name) to
select the table entry. If you do not know the proper index values, you can first find
the entry you want to change by using the First and Get, Next buttons. Some nodes
do not allow set operations to all variables that are defined as writable in the MIB.
For these nodes, you will have to individually set table entry variables using the
variable Set buttons.
Done Click this button when you’re done editing this dialog box.
Help Click this button for online help.
Table 39 Edit Table Entry (continued)