Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 106 –
Configuration (continued)
7 Authorization level Select the authorization level. This job macro will only
be available to the user with the authorization level
The name and connection password for the
authorization level (from the User
management/authorization levels menu,
Connection passwordbutton) have to match each
other in the local station and in the station that is to
be called. The individual releases of authorization
level, e.g. released cameras, archives..., can vary
however. You can then receive the releases of
authorization level in the remote station when logging
into the remote station.
8 Repeating the
If a number of attempts are made, in the event that
establishing a connection to all the remote stations in
the list fails, then activate this function and
Pause enter the time after which a new log–in attempt
should be made.
9 Total duration of
connection setup
Activate the corresponding option
As long as input
status unchanged
–if recording (with possible pauses) should be
repeated as long as the input status of the alarm
input exists. Recording does not end until the input
status is changed.
Fixed duration – If the entire duration of recording is restricted to
the time you enter.
10 Accept Click on Accept. If you have made incorrect inputs,
click on Reject and start over.