Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 97 –
Configuration (continued)
5 Incoming calls Activate the corresponding option
.. only accept if in list
of remote stations
–if the system should check whether the calls are
coming from a configured remote station. The
connection is only made if they match.
.. do not check –if the system is not to perform any check.
6 New
Creates a new connection to a remote ISDN
remote station.
Click on New and enter the actual name of the
remote station (the computer name) in the Name
input box.
7 Delete
Deletes the connection to a remote ISDN remote
In the overview (in the lower portion of the dialog
box), select the remote station that you wish to
delete and click on Delete.
8 Number Enter the complete telephone number of the remote
station in the entry box Number . If your own user
station is located at a PABX, you must enter a digit
(usually a “0”) before the number of the remote
station in order to reach the outside line.
9 Licensed remote station Activate Licensed remote station for projects
that require this, e.g. for a Rubin K1 as a remote
station (optional).
10 Accept Click on Accept. If you have made incorrect
inputs, click on Reject and start over.