Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 121 –
Configuration (continued)
6.2.29 Configuration of the dongle
(Settings/dongle menu)
In this dialog field, you can see the serial and job numbers, the approved sys-
tem performance features and the approved status of the hardware dongle and
the hardware dongle extension file.
The hardware dongle expansion file contains system performance features ac-
quired subsequently. To activate these system performance features, the file
must be loaded. The hardware dongle expansion file always relates to a partic-
ular dongle (specify dongle and order number).
Loading a new dongle file:
Name Description
1 Load new file Click on Load new fileto load a new file. Import
the data from a diskette for example. The cur-
rently existing file is overwritten.
3 Accept Click on Accept. If you have made incorrect in-
puts, click on Reject and start over.
Deleting an existing dongle file:
Name Description
2 Delete Click on Delete, to delete the existing dongle file.
3 Accept Click on Accept. If you have made incorrect in-
puts, click on Reject and start over.