Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 134 –
Maintenance and Service (continued)
9.3.3 Sending an SMS
If the computer is connected via an ISDN or analog modem with the tele-
phone network, an SMS can be sent (not possible with T–DSL).
To activate this method, ”rem” must be removed from the following line
in the ”error_forwarding.cmd” file:
rem wscript MessageMaster_sms.vbs %1 %2 ”0172 . . . ”
. The telephone number of the SMS receiver must be entered in place of
”0172 . . . ”. For telephone numbers in the D2 network, ”+49” must be en-
tered in place of the ”0”.
The SMS is sent using the ”MessageMaster” program. As every network
operator uses their own method to receive SMS messages via modem,
the ”MessageMaster” program of the network operator must be informed
of this. This is done using the ”MMCFG.exe” configuration program.
Proceed as follows:
1. Execute the ”MMCfg.exe” file.
2. Select the ”Message–Master Modem/ISDN” entry from the list box
and click ”Config.”.
3. Make the following entries in the ”Configuration” dialog box:
D Select the modem in the ”Device” option group.
D Click on the ”Defined services” tab and select the telephone num-
ber of the appropriate network operator.
All available network operators are stored in the ”Services.inf”
file. These can be loaded by clicking ”From File...”. Ensure that
some of the network operators between the analog modem and
the ISDN modem are different. Depending on the modem con-
nected, either ”D1 Alpha Service (D)” or ”D1 Alpha Service ISDN
(D)” should be selected, whereby only one service can be se-
4. Confirm with ”OK”.
9.3.4 Testing Error Forwarding
Configuration of error forwarding can be tested using the ”test_error_for-
warding.cmd” file, without the video system generating a fault message.
A fault with fault number 1 and fault text ”DiBos Fault Test” is generated.