Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 111 –
Configuration (continued)
13 Priority Determine the priority of the job. Priority 1 (high) to
priority 5 (low).
A priority can only be specified in connection with a
job macro.
14 Accept Click on Accept. If you have made incorrect inputs,
click on Reject and start over.
The inputs must be defined in the following menus:
For detector inputs, see the Hardware/framegrabber/detectors menu.
For the foyer card reader input, see the Hardware/foyer card reader menu.
For automatic teller machine inputs, see the Hardware/automatic teller ma-
chine menu
For SecSys inputs (statuses), see the Hardware/SecSys inputs menu.
For alarm simulation inputs, see the Hardware/alarm simulation menu.
Inputs of the virtual detectors see Hardware/Virtual Detectors menu
For the barcode reader input, see the Hardware/barcode reader menu.
A time–controlled backup can only be linked to one alarm status. To do this, se-
lect a detector input that is always in alarm status. This detector input has to
be assigned a time period and a backup job macro.