Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 114 –
Configuration (continued)
6.2.25 Configuration of the users
(User management/user menu)
To protect access to system components and data, operating procedures can
only be carried out by logged–on users. Each user is assigned an authorization
level for the work he/she needs to carry out (also see configuration of authoriza-
tion levels).
Additionally, the logon procedure of a user can be protected by a password.
This password is only evaluated with local logon procedures. For remote lo-
gons, the authorization password is evaluated. With remote login procedures,
the password of the authorization levels is evaluated.
Note: You should definitely protect the Administrator authorization
level with a password. Please ensure that this password in only
known to those persons responsible for this video system.
No. Name Description
1 New
Creates a new user.
Click on New and enter a user name in the Name
input box.
2 Delete
Deletes an existing user name.
In the overview (in the lower portion of the dialog
box), select the user name that you wish to delete
and click on Delete.
3 Password Click on Password and enter a password for the
user. Confirm your entries.
4 Authorization level Click on the arrow pointing downwards in the list
box and select an authorization level for the user.