Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 88 –
Configuration (continued)
Set dome cameras
Implement the setting for each camera as required.
No. Name Description
1 Dome settings Click on the Dome settings tab.
Creating interface settings
2 Interface The settings for the interfaces have to be carried
out first. Additional dome setting can only be set
after this.
Connection Click on the arrow pointing downwards and select
the interface.
Settings Click on settings and then enter the setting for
the COM interface (bits per second, data bits,
stop bits, parity, camera log). The settings
depend on the camera type. Please see the
manual for the matrix for more information.
Camera Protocol The entry occurs automatically if you have
previously entered the settings.
Camera Give the address of the camera. The address is
setup in the camera.