Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 64 –
Configuration (continued)
6 Type Select an archive type.
For most applications, it is advisable to set up a
separate archive for each camera. This enables a
fast search in the image archive later.
Ring archive Ring archive: The images are saved one after the
other. If the ring archive is full, the storage process
begins all over again. The oldest images are over-
written. A history ring can be assigned to a ring ar-
chive so that the images that triggered the alarm are
also saved.
Alarm archive Alarm archive: The alarm archive contains the im-
ages recorded after triggering of the alarm. The
alarm archive is not overwritten. A history ring can
be assigned to an alarm archive so that the images
that triggered the alarm are also saved.
History ring History ring: The images are saved one after the
other. If the history ring is full, the storage process
begins all over again. The oldest images are over-
written. A history ring must be assigned to a ring or
alarm archive. Because of the way the history ring
works, no rapidly repeating triggers may be allocated
to it, as is the case for example with sensor cam-
eras, PIR movement detectors and door contacts.
The usage of pre–alarm images is recommended for
rapidly repeating triggers. Pre–alarm images can be
set–up in Job macros/save.
History ring for ar-
chive x:
Select the archive to which the history ring should be
Assign complete
history ring
The history ring will be assigned completely to an
alarm or ring archive.
only assign x his-
tory ring images
Only the number of images entered will be assigned
to an alarm or ring archive.
The purpose of the history ring is to save a detec-
tor’s images only when at rest. If a significant event
occurs, e.g. a hold–up alarm, the images from the
history ring are copied into the assigned alarm or
ring archive. This process enables a quick recon-
struction of the event because the alarm archive as-
signed contains the images that triggered the alarm
as well as the images after the hold–up.
7 Memory manage-
Delete images af-
ter x days
If necessary, activate function and input number of
days. Deletion always occurs at midnight. “1” means
that the saved images will still be deleted at midnight
on that same day.
Total size Total size of the archive in MB. The used and free
memory space in the archive is immediately shown