Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 110 –
Configuration (continued)
6 Trigger Select the triggering criteria that are to trigger the job
Alarm The job is activated as soon as the alarm input is
Stby The job is activated as long as the input is in standby
mode. Can be used for history recording.
Never The job is not activated.
7 Job macro Select the job macro that is to be implemented.
8 Camera Click on the camera that is to be used for recording
or transmission.
9 Camera control Select Camera control if you want to control a ca-
mera. You can choose between previously saved
presets or marcos.
Presets Click on Presets and select the preset in the List
field (refer to page 89 to see how to save camera
Macros Click on Marcros and select a marco in the List field
(refer to page 90 to see how to save macros).
10 Time period Select the time period within which the input status is
to lead to an activation.
Once the time period has elapsed, no activation oc-
curs. The end of a time period also ends a job.
11 Relays If necessary, select the relay that is to be controlled
and assign this relay
Relay control at Relay control one of the following statuses: Job
start, job duration or job end.
The relay is controlled for approximately one second
with job start and job end.
Job duration so long as job exists.
12 Sound Activate this function as required.
When starting a job, an audible sound sequence is
played (can be set separately for each job activa-
tion). If several jobs are assigned to one input, it is
possible to play the signal sound once only. History
jobs can thus be specifically indicated (audibly).
When starting a job, no audible sound sequence is
played. This allows for silent alarms to be triggered
in the case of a holdup.