Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 67 –
Configuration (continued)
4 ISDN* When connecting to other systems of this type via
5 Network When connecting to other systems of this type via
a network
6 Modem* For modem connections A RAS capable modem
must be connected and RAS service must be
7 Simulation Support for four alarm inputs that can be simu-
lated for triggering test alarms or for the applica-
tion of a job such as “burning a CD” for example.
8 Virtual detector The virtual detectors offer the same functionalities
as the other detectors in the system. They provide
inputs that can be used to carry out jobs in the
video system. In contrast to other units, virtual
detectors are not physical hardware. Virtual detec-
tors can be used by other software programs to
communicate with the video system. A maximum
of 32 virtual detectors are available.
9 Fault indicator For internal error identifier. The fault indicator al-
ways uses relay 4 of the 1st MVTitan. The events
that lead to triggering of the fault indicator can be
found in chapter 4.10.
10 Automatic teller ma-
Connection of a maximum of 4 automatic teller
machines each with 2 alarm inputs.
11 Foyer card reader* Connection of a maximum of 4 foyer card read-
12 Barcode reader* Connection of one barcode reader.
13 SecSys * Connection of a security system.
14 Accept Click on Accept. If you have made incorrect in-
puts, click on Reject and start over.
* Option