Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 63 –
Configuration (continued)
6.2.2 Configuration Archives
(Database/archives menu)
The archives presented in the overview box are located on the activated drives.
The archives partition the drives into individual areas so that the saved images
can be found more quickly during image searches. Images and search results
are stored in the archives.
No. Name Description
1 New
Creates a new archive.
Click on New and designate the name of the archive
in the input box Name (5)
2 Delete
Deletes an existing archive.
Choose an archive in the list box and click on Delete.
The archive is deleted when you confirm the warning
3 Copy Copies an existing archive.
Choose an archive in the list box and click on Copy.
The archive is copied and can be adapted quickly.
4 Archive
The system assigns a (system) number to the ar-
chive. It is used for internal identification in case
there are archives with the same name. Each ar-
chive receives the next highest number or the next
number in the sequence if an archive is deleted.
Search results always have the number 255.
5 Archive
Name Displays the name of the archive (can be changed).