Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 14 –
3 Quick installation
For information about the device connections, please see Chapter 2.
1. Connect the mouse and keyboard (put ferrite on the cables).
2. Plug the 26–pin D–sub plug of the grabber cable on the corresponding plug of the
grabber card.
3. Connect the cameras to the grabber cable. On each cable there is a plastic ring with a
printed number. This number stands for the video input, e.g. “1” for video input 1.
4. Connect the contact inputs (alarm inputs) and relay outputs to the grabber cable.
5. Switch all connected devices on.
6. Plug the network cable into the video system.
7. Switch the video system on. The switch is on the back side. The system will then boot
up automatically and stop at the setup assistant.
8. If you do not yet have experience with the system, select the “Create basic configura-
tion with help of the assistant” option. With a few clicks of the mouse, you will have a
basic configuration. The system automatically recognizes the connected video hard-
ware (cameras, grabber).
Note: after the basic configuration, expansions must be executed in the standard
(expert) configuration (see Chapter 6.2).
Carry out your selection as follows:
No. Name Description
1 Basic configuration with
the wizard
Select this function to start the Assistant.
Standard configuration
With this function, you start Expert Configuration
(see Chapter 6.2).
2 Next Click on Next to continue.