Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 96 –
Configuration (continued)
6.2.17 Configuration of the ISDN connections (option)
(Connections/ISDN menu)
In this menu, define your own user station (local computer) and the remote
stations so that you are able to establish a connection to a remote station when
continuing the configuration process and/or to allow a connection to your own
user station.
Note: Function must be activated under Hardware/Connections.
No. Name Description
1 Name Enter the locale computer name in Name of the
options group Own user station.
In the live image, the local computer name is
displayed in the last line of the Connection
2 Own number Enter the complete telephone number of your own
user station into the entry box Own number. In the
case of PABXs, which make an assignment to the
number called, it is easier to just enter an “A”.
3 Number of B channels Enter the number of B channels in the entry box
Number of B channels.
4 Own number Activate the corresponding option
.. Check incoming
–if the system is to check whether the number
entered matches your own number. The
connection is only made if they match.
.. do not check – if the system should not check whether the
number entered matches your own number.
Can be selected if there is only one additional
connection. In this case, your own number does
not have to be entered.