Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 77 –
Configuration (continued)
4 Line status Click on Assign, in the Line status column if you
would like to change or view the standard assign-
ment of the line status (only for LSN security sys-
5 “Assignment of line sta-
tuses” dialog box
To add line statuses, select the line status on the
right and click on Add.
To remove line statuses, select the line status on
the left and click on Remove.
Confirm with Close. The line statuses on the left
are assigned to the SecSys input.
6 Addresses Click on Assignin the column Addresses if you
would like to assign certain SecSys addresses to
the input.
7 “Assignment of ad-
dresses” dialog box
To add addresses, put the addresses into the in-
put boxes from group ... detectors .. and to
group .. detectors .. and click on Add.
To remove addresses, select the addresses to be
removed on the left and click on Remove.
Confirm with Close. The addresses on the left
are assigned to the SecSys input.
8 Accept Click on Accept. If you have made incorrect in-
puts, click on Reject and start over.