Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 118 –
Configuration (continued)
4 Key management for
unique key
This item is only to be carried out if you want to
use a unique key.
New – Generating a unique key:
Click on New and enter a name for the encod-
ing. Click on OK to confirm.
The current encoding will be overwritten.
Save – Saving a unique key:
It is advisable to save the generated key onto a
floppy disk immediately and to keep it in a safe
place, as this key must be loaded for the other
video systems.
To do this, insert a diskette and click on Save.
Select drive letter A and click on Saveagain.
Load – Loading a unique key:
Insert a diskette and click on Load. Select the
file and click on Open.
– Deleting a unique key:
If you generate a new key or load a new key,
the system automatically replaces the current
key with the new key.
5 Accept Click on Accept. If you have made incorrect in-
puts, click on Reject and start over.