Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 79 –
Configuration (continued)
6.2.11 Configuration of virtual detectors
(Hardware/virtual detector menu)
The virtual detectors offer the same functionalities as the other detectors in the
system. They provide inputs that can be used to carry out jobs in the video sys-
tem. In contrast to other units, virtual detectors are not physical hardware.
Virtual detectors can be used by other software programs to communicate with
the video system. A maximum of 32 virtual detectors is available.
Note: Function must be activated under Hardware/Connections.
No. Name Description
1 Input Click on the corresponding input. The selected
line is activated.
2 Type Click on the arrow pointing downwards in the
Type column and select whether the input should
be configured or not.
The input is to be used as a virtual detector.
The input is not to be used as a virtual detector.
3 Name Place the cursor in the Name column and enter
the name. Any name can be chosen.
4 Accept Click on Accept. If you have made incorrect in-
puts, click on Reject and start over.