Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 76 –
Configuration (continued)
6.2.9 Configuration of security system inputs for Bosch alarm systems
– excluding D9000 Series (option)
(Hardware/SecSys inputs menu)
The serial connection of a SecSys allows up to 16 input types to be defined
which, when they occur, trigger an alarm in the system.
Each input type is assigned line statuses as the default, but these can be
adapted for specific projects in LSN security systems. In addition, security sys-
tem addresses can also be assigned to any input type.
Note: Function must be activated under Hardware/Connections.
LSN security systems are not yet available in the United States.
No. Name Description
1 Input Click on the corresponding input. The selected
line is activated.
2 Type Click on the arrow pointing downwards in the
Type column and select the input type.
The input type, e.g. hold–up, is activated.
The input type is not activated.
Certain line statuses are assigned to each input
as the default. This assignment can be changed
for LSN security systems.
3 Name Place the cursor in the Name column and enter
the name. Any name can be chosen. The input is
now known to the system under this name.