User account commands 25
User account commands
• Command:
ADD USER "<user name>" ["<password>"]
• Description:
Adds a user to the system. If you do not provide a password, you are prompted for one. If SCRIPT
MODE is enabled and the password is not provided, the password is assigned an unmatched string.
This unmatched string requires an enclosure administrator to change the password to allow the new
user to access the system.
• Access level/Bay level:
OA administrator
• Restrictions:
o You can add a maximum of 30 users, including the reserved accounts.
o The <user name> is case sensitive and must be unique to all other user names and group names. The
<user name> must be 1 to 40 characters long and can include all alphanumeric characters, the
dash, and the underscore.
o The <user name> must begin with a letter.
o The <password> must be three to eight characters long for firmware 1.00 through 1.30 and 3 to 40
characters long for firmware 2.00 and later. The character set includes all printable characters. If
you do not enter a password, you are prompted to enter one.
o Reserved user names are: ALL (case insensitive) ADMINISTRATOR (case insensitive), switch1,
switch2, switch3, switch4, switch5, switch6, switch7, switch8, ldapuser, and nobody.
• Command:
• ASSIGN {SERVER | INTERCONNECT} {<bay number> | ALL | <bay number>-<bay
number>} {"<user name>" | LDAP GROUP "<LDAP group name>"} *OR* ASSIGN OA
{"<user name>" | LDAP GROUP "<LDAP group name>"}
Assigns one or more bays to a user or group
• Access level/Bay level:
OA administrator
• Restrictions:
The <user name> is case sensitive. If a bay is presently assigned to a user, you must unassign the bay