Enclosure network configuration commands 76
The <ip address> must be in the form ###.###.###.###, where each ### ranges from 0 to 255.
• Command:
ADD OA DNS IPV6 [<bay number>] <ipv6 address{/prefix length}>
• Description:
Adds an IPv6 address to the list of DNS servers. The network prefix length is optional. When the
Onboard Administrator is configured for both IPv4 and IPv6, the Onboard Administrator uses the first
three valid DNS servers from those configured for the supported network configuration modes in the
following order:
a. Static IPv4
b. Static IPv6
c. DHCPv4
d. DHCPv6
If a bay number is not specified, then the command defaults to the active Onboard Administrator.
• Access level/Bay level:
OA administrator, OA operator
• Restrictions:
o A maximum of two DNS servers can be added.
o The <ipv6 address> must be in the form ####:####:####:####:####:####:####:#### or
####:####:####:####:####:####:####:####/### (with a prefix), where each #### ranges
from 0 to FFFF. A compressed version of the same IPv6 address is also supported. The prefix /###
ranges from 0 to 128.
• Command:
ADD SSHKEY <end marker> <\n> <key> <\n> <end marker>
• Description:
Adds an SSH key or keys to the Administrator local account. Multiple SSHKEYs can be concatenated in
the string. To add a key:
a. Start with a string that does not appear within the key (the end marker).
b. Insert a newline character by pressing Enter.
c. Paste in the key.
d. Insert a newline character by pressing Enter.
e. Insert the end marker.
f. Issue the command by pressing Enter.
Failure to give a proper end marker before and after the key might cause the interface to wait for the
appropriate end marker indefinitely.
• Access level/Bay level: