User account commands 32
Users who do not have OA administrator access levels can only view their user information.
• Example:
OA-0018FE27577F> SHOW USER
Local User "Administrator" Information:
Full name: System Administrator
Contact Info:
User Rights: Admin
Account Status: Enabled
Server Bay Access List: 1 1A 1B 2 2A 2B 3 3A 3B 4 4A 4B 5 5A 5B 6
6A 6B
7 7A 7B 8 8A 8B
Interconnect Bay Access List: 1 2 3 4
OA Access: Yes
• Command:
SLEEP <seconds>
• Description:
Pauses the sessions for a fixed period of time. This command is useful for adding delays to scripts.
After the pause has started, you cannot continue the session before time runs out. However, you can
terminate the session and start another session.
• Access level/Bay level:
• Restrictions:
The <seconds> field must be a whole number from 1 to 86400.
• Command:
UNASSIGN {SERVER | INTERCONNECT} {<bay number> | ALL | <bay number>-<bay
number>} {"<user name>" | LDAP GROUP "<LDAP group name>"} *OR* UNASSIGN OA
{"<user name>" | LDAP GROUP "<LDAP group name>"}
• Description:
Removes a bay from the user
• Access level/Bay level:
OA administrator
• Restrictions:
The <user name> is case sensitive.
• Command: