Enclosure Bay IP Addressing commands 63
• Access level/Bay level:
OA administrator, OA operator
• Restrictions:
If SCRIPT MODE is ON when EBIPA is configured (either by running EBIPA commands manually using
the CLI or downloading a configuration script using the DOWNLOAD CONFIG (on page 86) command),
you must include the SAVE EBIPA command to ensure all EBIPA settings are saved.
• Command:
• Description:
Saves EBIPA IPv6 settings for device or interconnect bays.
• Access level/Bay level:
OA administrator, OA operator
• Restrictions:
If SCRIPT MODE is ON when EBIPA is configured (either by running EBIPA commands manually using
the CLI or downloading a configuration script using the DOWNLOAD CONFIG (on page 86) command),
you must include the SAVE EBIPA command to ensure all EBIPA settings are saved.
• Command:
SET EBIPA INTERCONNECT { <IP address> <netmask> } | { NETMASK <netmask> }
| { GATEWAY <gateway> } | { DOMAIN <domain> } | { NTP PRIMARY | SECONDARY
<IP address> } [ ALL | <bay number> [{- | ,} <bay number>] ]
• Description:
Sets EBIPA settings for interconnect bays. If the bay number parameter is not specified, the settings are
applied to all interconnect bays. You can specify an IP fixed address for a specific bay, or you can
specify the starting IP fixed address for a range of bays, where EBIPA automatically assigns consecutive
addresses to the bays in the range, starting with the specified address. You can specify a domain name
for a specific bay or range of bays.
NOTE: The Onboard Administrator documentation refers to EBIPA IP addresses as "fixed IP
addresses" or "fixed DHCP addresses," meaning that each of these addresses is an IP address
permanently associated with a specific bay number independent of the actual device currently
attached to the bay.
To clear the IP address and netmask values, use keywords NONE NONE. For example, to clear the
address and netmask for bay 3, specify this command:
To clear a specific bay, use the bay number.
• Access level/Bay level: