Enclosure network configuration commands 99
• Description:
Sets the primary server used for synchronizing time and date using the NTP. The <host> value can be
an IPv4 address, an IPv6 address, or a DNS name.
• Access level/Bay level:
OA administrator, OA operator
• Restrictions:
IPv6 addresses cannot specify the network prefix length.
• Command:
• Description:
Sets the secondary server used for synchronizing time and date using the NTP. The <host> value can be
either an IPv4 address, an IPv6 address, or a DNS name.
• Access level/Bay level:
OA administrator, OA operator
• Restrictions:
IPv6 addresses cannot specify the network prefix length.
• Command:
SET OA GATEWAY [IPV6] [<bay number> | ACTIVE | STANDBY] <ip address>
• Description:
o Sets the network default gateway for IPv4 or IPv6.
o This gateway is used only if the system is configured to use a static IP address rather than the DHCP
o If you do not specify a bay number, the command defaults to the current Onboard Administrator
and the IPv4 default gateway.
o If you specify IPV6, the static default gateway IPv6 address is added to the default IPv6 gateway
list. If Router Advertisements provide IPv6 gateway configuration, the default is already configured.
Their configuration overrides the static IPv6 gateway setting. To determine the IPv6 gateway
currently in use by the Onboard Administrator, use either the SHOW NETWORK (on page 105) or
SHOW OA NETWORK (on page 131) command.
• Access level/Bay level:
OA administrator, OA operator
• Restrictions:
The <ip address> must be in the form ###.###.###.###, where each ### ranges from 0 to 255.
When using the IPV6 option, the <ip address> must be in the form
####:####:####:####:####:####:####:####/###, where each #### ranges from 0 to FFFF. A
compressed version of the same IPv6 address is also supported.