Directory commands 39
Directory commands
• Command:
ADD LDAP CERTIFICATE <end marker> <\n> <certificate> <\n> <end marker>
• Description:
Adds an LDAP certificate on the command line. To add the certificate:
a. Start with a string that does not appear within the certificate (the end marker).
b. Insert a newline character by pressing Enter.
c. Paste in the certificate.
d. Insert a newline character by pressing Enter.
e. Insert the end marker.
f. Issue the command by pressing Enter.
Failure to give a proper end marker before and after the certificate might cause the interface to wait for
the appropriate end marker indefinitely.
• Access level/Bay level:
OA administrator
• Restrictions:
o The certificate text cannot exceed 3071 characters.
o When the Onboard Administrator is operating in FIPS Mode, the minimum RSA key length is 2048
bits, and the signature hash algorithm must be SHA1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, or SHA-512.
• Command:
ADD LDAP GROUP "<group name>"
• Description:
Adds an LDAP group to the group. This group must match a group in the directory server.
• Access level/Bay level:
OA administrator
• Restrictions:
o The maximum number of LDAP groups is 30.
o Group name must be 1 to 255 characters in length.
o Character set includes all printable characters, except quotation marks and new lines.
o The group name must start with an alpha character.