
Chapter 13 Spanning Tree Protocol
GS2210 Series User’s Guide
13.7 Multiple Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol Status
Click Advanced Application > Spanning Tree Protocol in the navigation panel to display the
status screen as shown next. See Section 13.1 on page 114 for more information on MRSTP.
Note: This screen is only available after you activate MRSTP on the Switch.
Figure 91 Advanced Application > Spanning Tree Protocol > Status: MRSTP
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Path Cost Path cost is the cost of transmitting a frame on to a LAN through that port. It is
recommended to assign this value according to the speed of the bridge. The slower the
media, the higher the cost-see Table 42 on page 115 for more information.
Tree Select which STP tree configuration this port should participate in.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes to the Switch’s run-time memory. The Switch loses
these changes if it is turned off or loses power, so use the Save link on the top navigation
panel to save your changes to the non-volatile memory when you are done configuring.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Table 47 Advanced Application > Spanning Tree Protocol > MRSTP (continued)
Table 48 Advanced Application > Spanning Tree Protocol > Status: MRSTP
Configuration Click Configuration to specify which STP mode you want to activate. Click MRSTP to
edit MRSTP settings on the Switch.
Tree Select which STP tree configuration you want to view.
Bridge Root refers to the base of the spanning tree (the root bridge). Our Bridge is this switch.
This Switch may also be the root bridge.
Bridge ID This is the unique identifier for this bridge, consisting of bridge priority plus MAC address.
This ID is the same for Root and Our Bridge if the Switch is the root switch.
Hello Time
This is the time interval (in seconds) at which the root switch transmits a configuration
message. The root bridge determines Hello Time, Max Age and Forwarding Delay.