Chapter 35 DHCP
GS2210 Series User’s Guide
286 DHCPv4 Relay Agent Information Format
A DHCP Relay Agent Information option has the following format.
i1, i2 and iN are DHCP relay agent sub-options, which contain additional information about the
DHCP client. You need to define at least one sub-option. Sub-Option Format
There are two types of sub-option: “Agent Circuit ID Sub-option” and “Agent Remote ID Sub-
option”. They have the following formats.
The 1 in the first field identifies this as an Agent Circuit ID sub-option and 2 identifies this as an
Agent Remote ID sub-option. The next field specifies the length of the field.
35.4.2 DHCPv4 Option 82 Profile
Use this screen to create DHCPv4 option 82 profiles. Click IP Application > DHCP > DHCPv4 in
the navigation panel and click the Option 82 Profile link to display the screen as shown.
Table 136 DHCP Relay Agent Information Option Format
i1 i2
Table 137 DHCP Relay Agent Circuit ID Sub-option Format
SubOpt Code Length Value
(1 byte)
(1 byte)
Slot ID, Port ID, VLAN ID, System Name or String
Table 138 DHCP Relay Agent Remote ID Sub-option Format
SubOpt Code Length Value
(1 byte)
(1 byte)
MAC Address or String